Growing Up in ‘Forgotten America’: Chris Arnade’s Photographs and the Stories Behind Them

With Katharine B. Stevens


American Enterprise Institute

November 13, 2017

Event Description

From Portsmouth, Ohio, to Ohatchee, Alabama, photojournalist Chris Arnade captures the stories of “forgotten America.” These are the areas hit hardest by job loss, income stagnation, and drug addiction, yet they are often overlooked by policymakers and the press. Mr. Arnade’s reporting illuminates gaps between the reality experienced by millions of struggling Americans and the frequently abstract policy discussions in Washington, DC.

Please join AEI for a presentation by Mr. Arnade of his work, followed by a discussion with early-childhood expert Katharine Stevens. This event will explore the implications of growing up in “forgotten” communities for families and children across the US and solutions to the persistent challenges they face.


Event Summary

On Monday, AEI’s Katharine B. Stevens hosted photojournalist Chris Arnade, who has spent the past six years documenting the stories of those living in the “forgotten” towns across America.

In his remarks, Mr. Arnade argued that the greatest divide in the country is education. His photo presentation revealed how kids who grew up in the “front row” — those who are mobile, are well-educated, and have large social networks via colleges and careers — have experienced a vastly different America than kids from the “back row” — those who stay in the town where they are born, usually lack any education beyond high school, and generally view their lives as worse off than their parents’.

After spending significant time in churches, Walmarts, and McDonald’s restaurants across the country, Mr. Arnade believes that breaking out of our social bubbles and listening to one another is an important first step to restoring the culture and community in these towns.


3:45 PM

4:00 PM
Welcome and introduction:
Katharine B. Stevens, AEI

Chris Arnade, writer and photographer

4:45 PM
Chris Arnade, writer and photographer
Katharine B. Stevens, AEI

5:20 PM

5:30 PM
Adjournment and reception


See Also


Can the Tax System Be Used to Help Working Families Afford Child Care? A Conversation with Representatives Kevin Yoder (R-KS) and Stephanie Murphy (D-FL)


Portraits of ‘Forgotten’ America